
León Mora H, MD

World´s leader in orthopedic reconstructive and Height increase

Director of Cora Group Excellence Center for Orthopedic Reconstructive and Limb Lengthening Surgery

dr leon mora height increase



As pioneers, at the Excellence Center for Orthopedic Reconstructive and Limb Lengthening Surgery, we performed the first surgery with this modern device in Colombia. In February 2018, the first two Intramedullary lengthening devices (PRECICE Nail) were successfully installed, complying with all the legal and safety requirements, without complications at the El Rosario Clinic, in Medellín, Colombia.

To date we have successfully operated 10 patients with the PRECICE® nail, the most modern technology in bone lengthening.

Doctor León Mora, cirugía reconstructiva


What our patients say

We know how important it is for our patients to hear about the experiences of others and to learn from the testimonials of those who have been in our care. That is why we invite you to explore our YouTube channel, where you will find a wide selection of testimonials from satisfied patients

Doctor León Mora, cirugía reconstructiva consulta


Frequently asked questions

Is there a cure for osteomyelitis?

I have a short stature, I am healthy. Can I increase my height with lengthening?

Am I a candidate for bone lengthening or deformity correction?

What is the care of the external fixator and pins?

Must I exercise and do physical therapy?

Physical therapy  is essential to obtain good results during treatment, a routine should be carried out daily for several hours (2 to 3 hours a day, divided into 45-minute sessions), in several sessions in the morning before bathing, at noon and late afternoon, during approximately 3 hours;  Therapy should not be limited to the one directed by the therapist 3 times a week, and it is necessary to develop an assisted, personal and continuous program for each case, to develop a series of repetitive exercises to maintain the muscle tone and joint mobility necessary for walking and activities after treatment. A good physical condition must be maintained not only to strengthen the limb, but to promote mobility and avoid rest diseases (venous thrombosis, pneumonia, rest ulcers, cramps, muscle and joint contractures, loss of muscle mass, edema) and general physical deconditioning. This therapy at home must be assisted by the family and in the case of children by their parents. Active and continuous participation of family members in this complex and sometimes painful treatment is very important.

How long does the treatment last?

Overall, in bone elongation or transport cases where the distraction osteogenesis method is performed, treatment time is approximmatley 1.5 to 2 months per centimeter of callotasis or bone distraction. There is an 8–14-day post-operative latency period before 1mm daily lengthening of bone growth is initiated, which varies depending on the age of the patient. For example, if the elongation required is 10 cm, treatment period would be 100 days + latency period of 14 days. This would be the first stage of the treatment. Once distraction is completed, there is another latency period to allow the new bone to mature and ossify, which can take twice as long as the distraction period. In the classic technique that uses only the external tutor for the entire treatment, an elongation or transport of 10 cm lasts between 15 to 20 months.


Currently, a technique developed by Doctor León Mora is being applied, which consists of removing the external fixator and placing a special plate to support the new bone; The technique which consists of an early replacement of the external fixator to an LCP plate system, decreases the time of use of the external fixator approxiamtely 8 months, favoring rehabilitation and improving patient comfort and quality of life during therecovery process. 

What is the surgery to replace the guide to the plate consist of? What are the benefits?

The procedure consists in the removal of the external tutor and the installment of an internal fixation system, LCP plate. This procedure should be performed between 20 to 30 days after the limb lengthening) or bone transport is completed, this allows stabilization of the immature bone of the callotasis, more comfortable joint mobility, avoids discomfort and the risk of infection associated with pins that pierce the skin, muscle, and fascia for long periods of time.

This technique described and applied by Doctor Mora allows early rehabilitation and decreases the use of the external tutor approximately 8 months when compared with traditional methods. It is an advanced and complex technique that requires the application of a safe protocol to avoid complications such as malalignment, infection, and failure of the osteosynthesis material.